How to get there?


Flights can be booked to nearby international airports (Pori, Tampere, Turku, Helsinki)

Finnish flight companies are: Helsinki Airport and Finavia

Group bus transport to Pori!

A courtesy bus is available for all RWC-competitors and spectators either Saturday or Sunday
09.-10.06.2012 from Helsinki airport via Tampere airport to Pori Yyteri and back on Sunday 17.06.2012 after the competition. This service will be provided if  min. 8 persons attends. Bus ride costs € 80 and is to be payed in advance.
No extra charge for equipment transportation.

Boat to Turku, Hanko, Helsinki ( with own car )

These shipping companies offer car transportation from Europe / Scandinavia.

Tallink Silja

Map to Yyteri Beach, Pori